Once upon a time... You know how it all starts. Life is a party and we live it that way. But then little things sneak up on us. Family, jobs, life in general and the stress starts. We can't quite eat the way we did and we don't eat the way we should so all the sudden we look in the mirror and our shiny fairytale is becoming a little tarnished. It starts with just a few pounds over the holidays and continues to accumulate as life gets crazy. How do we get our happily ever after back?? By DREAMING A THINNER DREAM!! You can have it all. We are so excited finally have the clinic open. We have so many ways to help get that body back that you wanted. If it's a full scale war that you are wanting to wage-we got it. If it's just toning up after a baby-we can do that too. We are so excited to help you all transform into your own fairytale dreams! The best part is-it's affordable!!! We can live happily thinner after!

If you would like to get started right away or just want more information, we have got you covered. Call and we can take care of you! Hope to hear from you soon!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Just wanted to pop in for a minute and let everyone know how proud I am of you.  As I have spoken to many of you this week, you are all just plugging along without any troubles.  For some of you the pounds have slowed down a bit.  Try to keep the body guessing, mix up the foods you are eating.  Instead of only eating chicken, try some fish.  If you always have steak for dinner, have shrimp.  Mix it up a little and see what happens.  My guess is-you will be surprised!  We are going into a difficult weekend for some-THE SUPER BOWL.  Just remember how SUPER you have been and don't lose sight of your goal that is right around the corner.  If everyone is eating around you, measure your veggies and eat them a little at a time over the course of an hour.  Try mixing up an Almost Orange Julius, add lots of ice and enjoy a large slushy.  You will be so happy on Monday morning IF you stick to your guns and don't deviate.  Please know that I am cheering you on.  I WILL KNOW IF YOU PUT THAT CHICKEN WING IN YOUR MOUTH!!!  If worse comes to worse, call me- I can talk you into putting it down!!  Enjoy your weekend, you are all amazing!

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